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Thursday, October 13, 2005


mailing mistakes to avoid

Here're some samples from my mail, from big mailers and small.

They encourage me -- how about you?

Envelope teaser --

Please do not share with others."

A vague velvet cord appeal -- but can anybody spot any
benefits there? If so, you've got a sharper eye than I do.

And yet that came from an A list mailer that teachs
beginners how to write teasers.

Market Scope -- self-mailer report on a company named
Diatom Corporation which has discovered a simple way
to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and a way to profit from
it. I don't know whether I believe in global warming or
not (I'm not a climatologist and it's quite possible that
sincere climatologists have different opinions) and I
don't know whether Diatom's method will work or whether it
will make giant profits at the end.

But what's is, I don't know what this mailer wants me to
do. It looks like the many I get on single companies put
out by investment newsletters that focus on finding small
stocks about to make you rich -- and the pitch is to
subscribe so you can follow the stock.

But all this mailer asks me to do is to buy a book on
"the green investment revolution." Or just to buy
Diatom. So maybe it was put out directly by Diatom.

copywriting for white papers

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