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Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Re-writing AWAI vitamin letter assignment

It's been a long time since I posted on this
blog, but not because I haven't been
thinking about copywriting.

Sometime back, I got my AWAI vitamin letter
assignment back, so I've been busy
re-writing that.

I'd like to say my score was high, but it
wasn't -- a disappointing 71. I thought I'd
done better, but the evaluator disagreed.

I was lucky that my letter was sent to Kieran
Doherty, who's one of the big name copywriters
on the AWAI board. He gave me a lot of help to
understand where I'd gone wrong and what I needed
to do to write a much better letter.

I sent the revised version in early this month and
I'm looking forward to receiving a much improved

Still, I'm not waiting for it. Kieran graded my
letter faster than my restaurant reviewer and a LOT
faster than the fundraising letter reviewer -- who
still has not returned my spec assignment. But I
still don't expect it back until probably August.
I'm not waiting until then to get going.

One prominent online copywriter puts on
her website that her vitamin letter score was a
"whopping" 94. Now I'm wondering -- was that her
original score or her score after the re-write?

Not that is really matters much. It's like high
school -- good grades there count just enough to get you
into college, and then nobody cares. It's how well you
keep performing that's important.

What is important is how well I've learned
the lessons. So I am anxious to learn my final
results, and I do feel a certain competitiveness
to get a high score.

But if I don't, I'll just keep on going.

And I'm not waiting. I have the Masters course and have
started on that.

My business cards are on order from Vistaprint -- should
be ready to start handing out within 2 weeks.

Last night I finished main draft of my letter for
myself, to go on my web site. I'm going to let it
"cool" today (one reason for writing this blog
instead of re-writing it), then will do a final
read and re-write tomorrow and get it into HTML
format and loaded upline.

Then I'll have my shingle hung out and ready and
open for business. I can't wait!

Copywriting information


Time for a re-write already!

Bad news!

Harlan Kilstein took a look at my sales letter for myself
and told it needs a major re-write. It doesn't sell me - he
was bored.


The good news is that I found out so quickly. I've figured
out a number of ways already to improve it. But first of
all am conducting some market research.

I posted a note asking Internet marketers how they
selected copywriters for hire -- on Clickbank Success
Forum, Ablake and Michael Green's How to forum. I
already have some good responses but I'm waiting through
the end of this week day.

Tomorrow night I'll be attending the June meeting of the
St Louis Web Developers/Designers user group - for the
first time in about 4 years. Networking.

I've decided that when it's appropriate I'll still give out my
business card. If somebody checks out my letter while
it's still boring . . . well, the next meeting's not for a month,
and that'll come the day after the Persuasion in Print
seminar from Harlan Kilstein, John Carleton and Kenrick
Cleveland in Las Vegas, so who knows if I'll make it or

Also, I'm still providing links to my site from this blog
for Yahoo and Google to find it and index. Might as well
get that process started. I'll post, link and ping again
once I've re-written the letter.

online copywriter


AWAI restaurant letter assignment

The first assignment of the Basic course is
the restaurant letter.

Close to the end of the first (though very
long) lesson, we're told to write a letter to
Michael Masterson to convince him to visit our
favorite restaurant.

I hate to confess this, but I didn't take the
assignment very seriously.

First of all, since I started out getting my
lessons one at a time, I didn't realize that
it was the ONLY assignment except for the
vitamin letter assignment. I wouldn't have been
surprised at having to turn in one per month.

I wrote mine on Taco Bell -- might as well be
honest. That's where I eat out the most, and
there're certainly no sit-down restaurants
where I currently spend time.

I did work pretty hard at it, and got a
score of 32 out of 40. But by the time I
got it back I was thinking of so many
other copywriting issues that I didn't
pay much more attention to it.

Late last year, I noticed some threads in
the AWAI forum that mentioned doing rewrites
of the restaurant assignment. I checked with
AWAI and they said yes, send it in again. So I
rewrote it and sent it back and improved my
score to 36.

But I still did not go to the trouble that
some AWAI students I see posting in the student
forum do. They write long, elaborate letters.
I don't know what their score is.

Though at least one person has mentioned taking
the letter they wrote to the restaurant and
getting some kind of assignment to write copy
for them.

And one new student scored a perfect 40.

I'm jealous, but I'll get over it. I'll be
satisfied if I get a 98 on my rewrite of the
vitamin letter :)

Ballwin MO copywriter


take the AWAI course from AWAI, not eBay

The reason I sent my vitamin letter assignment
and fundraising spec assignment in at the same
time is that it was really the second
vitamin letter assignment.

I sent the first one in early February, but
it was never graded because it was so long
nobody would even read it.

First, I thought that since the course said
that copywriters often write the premiums,
that I was supposed to write the premium.
So I wrote a 30 page free report to go
along with the product.

I thought I might score some bonus points
that way, but no!

Also, my main sales letter was too long. So I
cut it down and removed the premium and
sent all that in late in March, and that's
what Kieran Doherty graded.

I read the fundraising course and did that
spec assignment in March, while fruitlessly
waiting for my first vitamin letter assignment
to be graded.

All this does indicate the advantage of taking
the Basic course directly from AWAI. You CAN
find used copies of it on eBay -- but then
you don't qualify for support from AWAI, for
assignment grading or to participate in the AWAI
student forum, which is slow right now but
is helpful for students with questions,
especially while going through the basic course.

St Louis area copywriter


Time to start making money as a copywriter

Am I excited? For sure. It's finally
ready -- it's finally live . . . my
copywriting sales letter, which you can
read at:

Dramatic Sales Writing

So -- my shingle's out. I'm really -- finally -- in

My business cards arrived, so I'll be giving
them out, too.

I've mailed off my AWAI vitamin letter assignment
for the 2nd (really, the 3rd time) early this month.
Whatever my final score, I want to
make some money from this skill. I want
some clients.

Gotta go -- I hear my phone ringing already!

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